Fredensborg House

This private home is part of a cluster of thirty houses designed for returned Danes who have spent a long time living and working outside of Denmark. The houses are all designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, an architect also known for having designed the Opera House in Sydney.
The houses were designed with several plateaus, created to reflect the shape of the surrounding terrain. This creates a home with a great variety of ceiling heights, making some spaces seem incredibly large and open with plenty of natural light streaming through, while some have lower ceilings and are perfect for cosy bedrooms to retract to.

The architects behind the interior designing of Fredensborg House used KC14 in the colour Pale Beach on walls throughout the house. KC14 was applied directly onto the existing brick walls of the house, which creates this unique look, where the pattern of the brick wall shows through. A modern way to embrace the brick wall as we know it, by adding the textured KC14 while still preserving the texture and look from the original walls.